Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Th Accomplishemnt of the Democratic Leader Woodrow Wilson Essays

Th Accomplishemnt of the Democratic Leader Woodrow Wilson Essays Th Accomplishemnt of the Democratic Leader Woodrow Wilson Paper Th Accomplishemnt of the Democratic Leader Woodrow Wilson Paper During Woodrow Wilsons two terms in office he proved to be a great democratic  leader in many areas. He managed to accomplish a lot, despite his poor health that  he had to deal with since his childhood. Wilson always had a strong interest in  government and was always looking for changes and improvements. As president  he was never afraid to be a little on the radical side when it came to making  changes. He was constantly pushing for world peace and the avoidance of World  War I. Even though he was unsuccessful in avoiding the war he showed to be a  great leader during it. He never gave up on anything he was trying to do. His last  years of his life were dedicated to convincing the U.S. to join his League of  Nations.  Woodrow Wilson was born December 28, 1856. Although he spent most  of his childhood recovering from illness he managed to build an interest in  education. His father and him would read out loud to each other and discuss the  books. If they were not reading they would often sit and talk about recent events. He later moved onto college and studied American and British political history,  public speaking, and law. After college he set up a law practice with Edward  Renick. Because he had not learned the field of law thoroughly while in school, he  showed little ability as a lawyer. During this time he was constantly in and out of  sickness. Wilson did not really want to be a lawyer, his main area of interest was  in politics. His first taste of politics was during his term as Governor of New Jersey.  He took this seat in office with his sites on the presidential election two years later.  He let this be known in a letter he wrote to a friend in June of 1910. In the letter  he said It is immediately, as you know, the question of my nomination for the  governorship of New Jersey; but that it is the mere preliminary of a plan to  nominate me in 1912 for presidency†. During his years as governor he showed  that he could change his political attitudes. He learned to be a little more patient  with other people. Before he found it very difficult to work with people who  opposed him. This was shown more during his time of presidency at Princeton  University. Wilsons more conservative student body and faculty showed a dislike  towards his radical ideas. They did not like the ideas of changing the teaching  style and living style. Because of this many of his ideas were turned down.  When he first became president he pushed for equality of opportunity for  all men, no matter if they were rich or poor. He presented many new proposals to  congress and often he presented these new proposals in person. Wilson also  created new agencies such as the Federal Reserve Board. He was also responsible  for the ratification of the 18th Amendment. In 1920 during his second term, he  passed the 19th Amendment which allowed women to vote. During this time he  was also pressured by the southerners to allow segregation in Washington D.C.  He said that this would be in the best interests of the blacks. Woodrow Wilson did  how ever show weaknesses during his presidency. During World War I he often  took his time in making decisions. He wanted to make sure that there wasnt any  other way to avoid the war. This was good that he was looking out for the best  interest of the country, but it could also have made the war worse. Wilson also  was thought to be a weak president by former president Roosevelt. During  Roosevelts time in office he helped Panama succeed from Colombia in return forrights to build the Panama Canal through their country. He thought it was very  unnecessary to apologize to Colombia for helping Panama secede. Roosevelt  believed that it showed Wilsons weaker side.

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